It's time to turn your ECO

MODE on.

About Eco Mode

For years the problem of contamination of green spaces has been drastically increasing. Our parks and forests from day-to-day are turning into landfill sites.


Garbage bags full of plastic in the woods, tires in the parks and other litter, are slowly destroying the only place where you can get some fresh air - our planet earth. „Why should I pay for the disposal of old tires, if I can just leave them in the forest and burn the rest in the chimney?”, how often does that thought come to your mind?


Eco Mode was created as a solution, to fight for a better future.

Our initiative

We want to show how to prevent littering green areas and improve the state of our planet. 


We want to be an impulse! We’ll show young and old, how to take care of the environment, and what to do for the next generation to enjoy the beauty of the woods. 


„The first step is always the hardest”. We’ll do everything we possibly can to teach people about the basics of recycling, pro-ecological thinking and ways to change our lifestyle for a more ecological one. And we’ll do it in many different ways! Eye-catching graphics on our social media and multi-functioned maps on our www page are two examples of media we use to educate society. 

Eco Mode team

  • I’m passionate about art, taking a lot of pleasure from developing my skills in this field. I appreciate a good book, especially one about science, philosophy or astrophysics. I love to eat and try new dishes, especially different versions of neapolitan pizza, but I enjoy Polish cuisine too, for example pierogi.
    Otylia Sobkowiak
    Web designer
  • I love spending time with people and debating with them on different topics. When It comes to complicated subjects they’re not a problem for me and I always try to analyse them as precisely as I can. In my free time I like to write lines of code and I absolutely adore my cat. I appreciate delicious, fresh pastries, but my favourites are definitely cinnamon buns and chaczapuri.
    Pola Bieniecka
    Graphic designer
  • I love spending time reading books or playing on the piano. Music is an important part of my life and takes an important part in my effective learning. In my free time I try to help others, but when it starts raining I find cooking and baking in my kitchen very comforting. I love Italian cuisine, but my favorite thing in the world are pierogi filled with an enormous portion of cabbage and mushrooms. My biggest dream is to become a cafe owner and I believe I’ll make it happen by putting a lot of hard work into it.
    Julianna Cieślak
    Social media specialist
  • I love tea, Star Wars, history and adventures, so I happily visited many museums and old castles in the past. There are two best ways I can spend my free time, first is laying in bed under a blanket with an interesting book or movie, second meeting with friends (preferably with good food).
    Antonina Kościelniak
    Social media specialist
  • I can’t imagine life without music. My favourite genres are R&B and hip-hop. I love reading books, watching films and serials ( especially those with romantic plots ;) ). I’m a huge fan of the film series “Kingsman” in which my idol, Pedro Pascal plays. I’m also into cooking, baking and eating and I adore all kinds of pasta. I’m passionate about chemistry, which I would like to pursue in the future. My friends tell me I’m a very positive person :).
    Zuzanna Zubel
    Tik Tok content creator
  • I’m a fan of a series of fantasy books about the witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski. I love the serial “Better Call Saul” and I am into computer games, especially “Red Dead Redemption II”. I’m also interested in some mature and important subjects like math, chemistry and history of memes. When it comes to my food preferences I can’t imagine life without water. I decided to partake in the Eco Mode project because of the amazing people that work there, who also - like me - try to paint Poland green.
    Eryk Staluszka
    The best helping hand